Sunday, December 19, 2010

Second Floor

We popped by early in the afternoon yesterday and this had already happened:

I really can't believe how fast it's moving.  Part of me is worried that it's going too fast, but I know they know what they're doing. 
It still looks so small!


  1. Making progress KM!!!!!!

  2. I know the feeling it can be a little scary with things moving so fast, these guys know what they are doing so sit back and enjoy the ride :). what model are you building?

  3. India, we're making tons of progress. I can't wait to see what they did today. By the way, which elevation are you getting? I don't remember if you posted that or not.

    Tasha, we're building a Venice :)

  4. Were building a Venice too!!!!!!!! I thought i told u...Its posted in my blog!!

  5. Oh I know you're building a Venice - that's why you're one of my favorites! Which elevation - A, B, or C? We're doing elevation B where the peak will be on the side above the garage. Is that the same as your's?

  6. Yes of course!!!! BRAVO IT IS!!!
